Hello There!

Welcome to my journey!

Hi, My Name is Nelly

I’m a certified integrative Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Mental & Emotional Release coach and I am here to support you to build, become and belong wherever you go.

I am a joyful and passionate enneagram type 7, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro - Brazil (currently based in California). The reason you see me here today is that I’ve always been motivated by relationships, human behavior, and self-development. Some of the questions that have always driven my curiosity are:

  1. Why do we [human beings] behave as we behave?

  2. How do we actually become a better version of ourselves?

  3. Can we really change ourselves? How?

  4. Why is it just so easy for me to feel connected with others while some people struggle with relationships so much?

These questions combined with my values for authenticity, clarity, integrity, and connection supported me to FINALLY build a business that does not only pay my bills but is also an extension of the person I choose to be and become.


 Coaching, teaching, building communities, inspiring growth, and creating projects are not only a passion. That’s not only what I DO. It’s really an expression of who I AM.


 Good Vibes


My intention was never to merge myself with my work, but simply know that everything I choose to do is a real and an intentional extension of who I am. My life has become so much easier since then. Have you ever wanted life to simply flow [even if things get tough] for you? Exactly. I am there too.

Today, what I do doesn’t define me. I define the importance and the priority of what I do. This gives me peace, joy, and freedom because I know it’s okay if I ever choose to change.

Once you work with me, you will notice that I am as sharp with my mind as I am connected to my intuition. The combination of my mind, heart, and skills allows me to find deeper issues and then fully support you to let them go. As someone that loves to organize and plan I also enjoy putting strategies and action plans together and that’s exactly how I help you to not only let go of your old beliefs and stories, but also achieve your dreams and goals. During my coaching and teaching sessions, I can be as silly as I can be profound. I love to combine seriousness and playfulness in my work. What is life without some good waves of laughter and smiles, right? Choosing to change can be hard sometimes, so I choose to make our process together fun and worth it. Wouldn't you do the same?

“I help you to not only let go of your old beliefs and stories, but also achieve your dreams and goals.”


My Challenges

I've always considered myself a naturally joyful, passionate, and energized person. My always-hungry personality supported me to start as many projects and get involved in as many social engagements and commitments as I could possibly imagine. I lived on the hamster wheel of useless doing and was seriously proud and "happy" of having that "busyness" in my life. Have you ever seen your biggest strength become your deepest enemy or blind spot? Yeah, It's terrible to see your own passion and gifts playing against your own fulfillment, joy, and success.

Can you imagine that feeling for an Enneagram type 7? My physical and emotional health felt so bad. I lived with constant anxiety and overwhelm. My cholesterol and blood sugar levels were always high. I had inflammatory issues on both my knees and joints and to my great despair I develop a hypothyroidism level which made me lose half (if not more) of my hair" "I was too busy and overwhelmed to understand what I was actually going through. It's crazy how disconnected, lost, and unaware we can be from our own SELVES.

The Game Changer(s)


In 2018, I finally got my USA visa, and was ready to join my husband in California. As a foreigner, I was challenged to really revisit my values, my worth, and my life. What would I DO out of my life? There was NO doing! No DOING to cover up or distract. For months, I had to learn to just BE.

I am sure that if you are a foreigner you can really relate to this process. Just consider the moment you go to bed at night and there's nothing else for you to DO? At first, your mind keeps overflowing with thoughts, almost as if you're a thought-running machine. But then… your thoughts start wandering and you find yourself asking THE QUESTION.

I felt a real sense of joy, and purpose flow back into my system. But, that had to come at a cost - I had to give up my old stories, and excuses. I had to really invest in becoming a better version of myself. Being in the USA opened my mind to everything I could actually BE and DO.

“What’s the real purpose of my life?” or “What am I doing/not doing out of my life?”

 I dove deep into non-violent communication, the enneagram, coaching, authentic relating, and different communication tools. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a deeply transformational tool, which has transformed my life, says author Robin Drexler. She explores the importance of boundaries and the roles of our conscious and unconscious minds.

  • I let go of Nutella addiction and haven’t eaten Nutella in more than 2.5 years now;

  • I let go of cat allergies;

  • I let go of spider and darkness phobia;

  • I let go of driving trauma and got a driving license (and a car);

  • I released the belief that “I am not enough”, “I’m too young”, “I am not ready”, “I don’t know enough”, “I can’t speak up otherwise I will lose people”, and so much more

Working on myself was the most efficient way I found to BECOME who I really wanted to be and DO what really matters to me. The quality of my thoughts, my emotions, and my self-awareness has increased exponentially. This is the journey that I wish for you.

What I offer you today, is a chance for you to truly see WHO you are, and what's important for yourself. Not your old self that lives as a victim in pain, the Self who is ready to flourish, find fulfillment and achieve long-lasting success.

I know what I’ve been through and I know you can change too! Interested to explore what your path holds for you?


 What They Say

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