You've got to Be-Live it!
I’m on a mission to help you achieve your relationships and career goals by becoming the best version of yourself.
I believe the world is full of opportunities and it's up to us to choose to be ourselves, take action towards our goals and live the life of our dreams.
When we give attention to the quality of our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions we align our doing with our being. The secret? Get to know who you are, intentionally! After that, it gets much easier to know what we want and build what we want, wherever we go.
If you find yourself:
Missing a sense of purpose and confidence to achieve your goals,
Feeling tired of working hard, living under pressure and not seeing any results,
Feeling alone, striving to create connections, and feeling disconnected from authentic relationships,
Finding yourself lost and stuck with patterns, emotions, and habits you don’t want,
Wondering what on earth you want to do out of your life?, or
Thinking that you have so much more to offer but have no idea where to start.
Congratulations! This coaching process is for you.
And awareness is the first step toward your progress and success.
Second step?
What is coaching?
Coaching is a series of powerful and intentional conversations that support you to be heard, reflect on some thought-provoking questions, gain clarity on your goals and create an efficient action plan so you can achieve YOUR gold medal. [a.k.a what truly matters for you].
As your transformation & communication coach, I am passionate about your growth. I receive your needs and problems compassionately, while also inviting you to let go of your disempowering stories and take action toward your dreams and goals. It’s part of my job to hold you accountable for your decisions and support you to stay focused on your path.
Your job?
Trust your process, follow through with your commitments and communicate any needs you may have.
Why is my iNLP coaching so powerful?
Have you ever wondered why, many times, people's actions do not match their words?
Example 1: You tell yourself all the reasons why you shouldn’t be in a relationship with X person. You know it’s not worth it, and it’s time to let go, but you feel trapped as if you can’t leave it. [no matter how toxic it gets].
Example 2: You know your work is worth a lot more than what you are being paid for, or maybe you just want to start a new career or project, but fear and confusion stop you. You can’t find the courage to take action and to speak your worth. You are still stuck in the same old place, no matter how logical your arguments sound
Example 3: You know all the reasons why you shouldn’t be eating a bunch of ice cream, candies, or sugary chocolates. It’s not good for your health, it makes you feel terribly bloated and yet, once again you noticed yourself finishing the second ice cream pint and you don't even know when the first spoon bite happened.
Exactly! If changing was just a matter of a conscious/rational decision I am sure you wouldn’t choose to suffer or go against your own goals, would you?
My iNLP coaching approach (Integrative Neuro-Linguistic Program Coaching) supports you to let go of any mental, emotional, and behavioral programming that was created in your mind, conscious but mostly unconsciously. I support you to let go of problems you didn’t consciously choose to have. Problems that most of the time you don’t even know when or how it was created. Mysterious problems you simply seem to have and have no idea how to solve, for example, procrastination, self-sabotaging, irrational fears, reactivity, contextual anxiety, and negative self-talk.
Successful people let go of mental & emotional baggage before they step into planning and action mode. Holding on to unwanted baggage will keep on sending you back to square one. Just like starting a new relationship that actually feels exactly like the previous one.
Don’t you need a break from repeating the same old problems again and again?
My coaching process allows you to explore a way to get your mind and heart to match your actions much more easily and effortlessly.
What They Say
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Curious about my coaching process?
My Transformational Coaching Program allows you to choose one area of life in which you feel stuck and need real help creating massive change. My clients can choose between a 6 or 12 months commitment, and sessions are offered online via Zoom or phone.
We focus our attention and work into this area so you can create long-lasting results for yourself. For every area of life, there will be a phase called Personal Foundation. In this phase we explore the most important aspect of who you are and what you value so you can much more easily and clearly reach your goals.
During our work together I use a series of powerful tools, techniques, and frameworks to support you let go of negative emotions, limiting beliefs, old stories, and unwanted patterns which hold you back from living a life of true fulfillment and success. This automatically creates more space and motivation for you to take action and work in direction of your gold medal.

Phase 1 - Mental & Emotional
In this phase, I guide you through a powerful process that will allow you to release any limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns, and unwanted behaviors that have been causing you to self-sabotage your own fulfillment and success. The focus is to find and release the root cause of your problems, not just the surface-level ones.
Phase 2 - Personal Foundation
In this phase, we’ll dig deeper into who you are. You will create your personal avatar, discover your deepest values, learn what truly drives you, and identify your boundaries.
Phase 3 - Goal Setting & Strategy
In this third phase I’ll support you to clarify your main goal, as well as create an efficient strategy and an action plan that works for you.
Phase 4 - Action & Focus
In this phase you will put your plans into ACTION. We’ll track your progress, celebrate your accomplishments and make sure your goal is successfully achieved.
My ultimate goal is to inspire, support, and teach you tools that will ultimately make you feel more confident and empowered no matter what you choose to do, with the person you ARE.
Want to work with me or you are just curious about the details of this process?
The quote will look like this
Why working with me?
As a:
iNLP Master Practitioner & Coach - I help you to understand the power of your thoughts and your language while also supporting you to take massive action towards goals.
Mental & Emotional Release® Master Practitioner - I guide you through a powerful and easy process which removes your unconscious conflicts effortlesly.
Hypnotherapy Practitioner - I help you feel relaxed and trust that your mind is your guide.
Philosophy Teacher - I invite you to deepen your understanding about your problems and see a new perspective on life.
Non violent communication, enneagram and authentic relation enthusiast - I hold space for all expressions of you. I receive you openly an compassionately, exactly as you are.
Partner Dancer Instructor - I understand the importance of your posture, your physiology and your body. I encourage you to step into this process physically not only mentally. I bring a somatic approach into our calls whenever needed.
Fun Facts:
I am Brazilian, a dancer and extremely proud of my roots.
I am passionate about accents (especially French).
I hate mango or watermelon juice, but I love to eat the fruits.
I love house organization and hosting events at home.
If I step on myself with one leg, I need to do the same with the opposite leg. [well, we all have our quirks!]
My husband is from India and we were on a 8.5 years long distance relationship before we fully lived together.
Start Your Transformation Today
Book a FREE Discovery Call with me